hepburn sask – graduation session

The best way to describe this family is FREAKING AWESOME!  Dawn and I met in college, and have been great friends ever since.  She’s my go-to person to call for advice for diaper rashes, and so many other things that I have asked her about in the unchartered territory that comes with parenthood!  It was really special to me to be able to take them all out and do Hanna Rae’s grad, as well as some family photos for them.

The weather that day was threatening rain most of the day, but held off until we finished up, and the started coming down just as I was driving out of town.

During grad sessions, I love learning what they are planning to do after graduation, and hearing the excitement in their voices as they talk about their plans and goals is so incredibly infectious, and Hanna Rae’s plans sounds exciting as she’s planning to head out and study art.  I can’t wait to see where her journey’s take her!


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